talons of leng. The dull, dark-gray steel of the blades almost appears blunt on the edges, but these +1 rapiers are wickedly sharp. talons of leng

 The dull, dark-gray steel of the blades almost appears blunt on the edges, but these +1 rapiers are wickedly sharptalons of leng  This barbed +1 outsider (water) bane bolt is etched with runes of thirst and desiccation

Even when drenched in a victim’s blood, it appears clean and dry moments later, as though it has been newly cleaned. Javelin of Lightning. Lorath is on the west side of the largest of three islands surrounded by stormy seas. DESCRIPTION. ; Aura faint transmutation. Talons of Leng +22/+17 (1d4+11/x3, on crit causes permanent Insanity on failed DC 20 Will Save or 1 round of Confusion on a successful save) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 21; concentration +42, +2 to cast defensively and 3/day reroll a cast defensively check) Wondrous Items - Hands. It is treated as a +2 quarterstaff but in the hands of a worshiper the associated deity, it gains the ki intensifying weapon. This elegant silk ribbon gleams like mithral and feels like polished steel. Reviews There are no reviews yet. 5-14. Some nasty claws. Movie Compilation format. The talons are the long curved claws of the eagle and are used to kill and hold the prey. After a hit with the dagger but before damage is determined, the wielder of an arachnid’s fang can release a stored dose of poison into the creature struck by the. With models from 6 to now >45 W UV power, the Talon product family is ideal for a remarkable range of processes and applications with a common optical, electrical, and. This +1 arrow is keyed to a particular type or subtype of creature. a sharp nail on the foot…. Grey Gallows is one of the islands that make up the Stepstones,[1] a series of islands bridging from Essos to Westeros. DESCRIPTION. T he talons of eagles are impressive, no doubt. The city of Yin in Yi Ti is to the north across the Jade Sea. By Samuel Claiborn , KBABZ , Bob , +77. Talons of Leng. , one target. 1525 NW 36th St, Ankeny, Iowa 50021, (515) 419-3900. EFFECTS. A weapon of this type enables its wielder to determine the location, depth, kind, and number of aquatic predators within 680 feet. While in the basement one night, Casey saw a skull-like apparation. Asian Spice wings. ; Aura strong evocation. This is a +1 dagger. Price 12,302 gp; Slot none; CL 10th; Weight 1 lb. Recent Events A Dance with Dragons. Price 38,480 gp; Slot none; CL 17th; Weight 2 lbs. This +1 vicious two-handed melee shadowcraft weapon has the texture and consistency of coagulated blood. The wielder can decide to use the power after she has struck. Price 18,301 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight 2 lbs. Sunlord’s Feather. It is unknown how the island came to be named. It was not originally a frozen planet - it originally appeared to have a molten surface - and was home to an industrious civilisation. The blade of this +1 cutlass is spotted with rust, and its basket hilt is cast in the likeness of a grinning skull. [1][2] It is situated off the southern coast of Essos, east of Great Moraq and northwest of Marahai. It is located south of Great Wyk and west of Pyke. Talons can be used as weapons to fend off predators or rivals, and their size and condition can indicate the overall health and fitness of a bird. West of Great Moraq are Vahar and Lesser Moraq, while to the south is the Isle of Elephants, as well as several smaller islands. natural-weapon. Weng-Chiang has stolen the time cabinet from Litefoot's house, so the Doctor and Leela go to try and stop him from using it. When its wielder is targeted by ranged attacks, an arrow slicer shines even brighter, alerting its user of the incoming danger and granting a +2 bonus on Perception checks to act in the. Traditionally, the owner of a mammoth lance adorns the weapon with small trophies attached via short leather strips or carves notches in the shaft to represent. The shantak makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its talons. In the hands of a monk, it becomes an instrument of deadly utility. DESCRIPTION. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. Also known as the "Pirate Queen" of Omega, Aria is fiercely possessive of the space station and will do anything to protect it and maintain her dominance. It functions as a +2 longsword. This +1 corrosive arrow continues to leak acid onto its target each round, dealing 1d6 points of acid damage on the attacker’s turn for the next 3 rounds. 0a. Torturer's Deep is a place in the Stepstones. The book was officially released on December 27th, 2016. ; Price 54,475 gp. DESCRIPTION. First, it can deliver enchantment spells with a range of touch as if the wielder had touched the creature. This +1 dueling rapier ends duels quickly and decisively by depriving the wielder’s opponent of her weapon. ; Aura moderate illusion. Aura minor necromancy; CL 9th; Slot none; Price 10,320 gp; Weight 2 lbs. These relentless hunters can grow up to 3 feet, while their wingspan is about 6 ft long! They are equipped with four talons like other raptors, and each talon is up to 4 inches long. This jet black dagger appears to drip grains of sand from its blade. The harpy eagle is a formidable predator and the largest eagle species found in South America. Bullet, Tracer. Lesser Moraq is a forested island in the eastern Summer Sea, west of Great Moraq and Vahar and northeast of the Cinnamon Straits. ; Price 12,350 gp. XP 1,600 CN Medium magical beast Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft. West of Marahai are Great Moraq, the Isle of Whips, and the Isle of Elephants. This +3 impact warhammer deals 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage when it hits. ↑ George R. [2] A large square fortress of black stone was constructed on Battle Island by unknown builders. This +2 wounding dagger allows the wielder to use charm monster (DC 18) three times per day. A child under an endless, starless sky. Harpy eagles are the largest and strongest eagles to fly in the sky. ; Price varies; standard slaying arrow 2,282 gp, greater slaying arrow 4,057 gp. ; Aura moderate conjuration. Person; Phone; Address; Enter a full name . ; Price 17,820 gp. Price 11,330 gp; Slot none; CL 10th; Weight 8 lbs. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft. Once donned, the talons of Leng grant the wearer a natural claw attack with each hand that deal 1d4. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. (good) Melee 2 talons +11 (1d6) Special Attacks bardic. Re. There may be some relic text here; an old rule from D&D 3. ; Price 330 gp. ; CL 8th. Advertisement. ; Aura moderate conjuration. Price 67,000 gp; Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th; Weight 1 lb. They apply these bonuses to both attack and damage rolls when used in combat. Aura strong necromancy; CL 13th Weight 1/10 lb. These temporary hit points last for 24 hours. ; Price 1,730 gp. When worn these talons grant the wearer claw attacks with a +3 enhancement bonus and d4 damage. I was going to get cloak of the manta ray but apparently even the tail attack it grants only works underwater… Dust Bolt. Kí ức gần đây nhất của Talon là bóng tối của các dãy đường hầm bên dưới Noxus và sự lạnh lẽo từ lưỡi dao thép. These +1 firearm bullets deal no damage, but instead cause a pale glow to outline the target, granting the effect of a faerie fire spell and causing the target to take a –2 penalty to AC against ranged attacks. The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Two: Directed by David Maloney. Price 23,320 gp; Slot none; CL 10th; Weight 8 lbs. As a masterwork weapon, this alchemical silver dagger has a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls (but not on damage rolls). In lieu of adding cold damage to normal ammunition, three times per day wielder may create and hurl a magical snowball with the sling instead. Once per day, the wielder of a grasping bolas can attempt a special ranged trip combat maneuver check that ignores any size modifiers to CMD. Once donned, the talons of Leng grant the wearer a natural claw attack with each hand that deal 1d4 points of damage for a Medium wearer, or 1d3 points of damage for a Small wearer. Price 10,301 gp; Slot none; CL 10th; Weight 2 lbs. East of the Manticore Isles are Asshai and the Shadow Lands. View Cart; Help; Pathfinder . Battle leading to the Council: Looked like a jobber. Kyton Scourge. Each time an affected creature fails this save, the effect’s. . Price 3,300 gp; Slot —; CL 4th; Weight —; Aura faint evocation. Any living creature struck by a dust bolt begins dying of thirst, as the spell cup of dust (DC 14 Fort negates). ; Price 60,802 gp. ; Aura moderate transmutation. Price 34,800 gp; Slot none; CL 12th; Weight 4 lbs. His fleet is off the Three Sisters when this happens. Choose a basket design for round objects, three-prong PolyGrab for polyps, or mini gasping baskets/snares for foreign bodies in the bronchi. ; Aura faint conjuration. Bite. A sadist’s lash is a long whip of thin strips of leather. 8 His signature weapon is a two-headed flail made of iron and bone capable of rotting flesh and. It says that they're primary attacks, but if used with a weapon or another natural attack, they're secondary. ; Price 41,335 gp. The +2 enhancement bonus also applies whenever the weapon is used against creatures native to the. Price 21,310 gp; Slot none; CL 6th; Weight 2 lbs. ; Aura strong evocation and transmutation. Name: Etal Leng Ly, Phone number: (703) 347-6579, State: VA, City: Woodbridge, Zip Code: 22193 and more information . This brilliant mithral ballista bolt radiates a blinding sheen. ; Price 66,750 gp. DESCRIPTION. DEFENSE. When making a full attack with claws, if the wielder hits the same target with this weapon and a different claw attack or set of claw blades, he. [2]Eagle feet consist of three parts – talons, toes, and scales. Aura strong necromancy; CL 17th; Weight 4 lbs. DESCRIPTION. The Talons of Weng-Chiang: Part Three: Directed by David Maloney. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. Price 67,000 gp; Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th; Weight 1 lb. An adult weighs 1-3 tons. If there are monsters that aren't in the book, keep the description the same but use the stats of something vaguely similar (i. Lesser Moraq is located northeast of Wyvern Point in Sothoryos. This mallet is 8 feet long. A hit from one of the talons deals 1d4 points of damage. [1] Noble houses from the island include House Saltcliffe, who are named after the isle,[2] and House Sunderly. The only exception was in the Plateau of Leng within China, where the deathless sorcerers (the Kuen-Yuin). Aura moderate evocation; CL 10th; Weight 5 lbs. The CMB for either effect is +6. Police pathologist Professor. On a critical hit, the talons deal ×3 damage and force the victim to make a DC 20 Will save. A fanged falchion is a +1 unholy falchion and wounds caused by the weapon’s serrated edge are horrifically. A kitsune who spends 40,000 gp on a pair of demon talons should see if he can convince the GM that the talons, being attached, are no longer gear but just limbs. Aura strong conjuration; CL 12th; Weight —; Price 226 gp. They have a x3 crit multiplier and on a confirmed crit require the target to make a DC20 will save or they become permanently insane and thus subject to confusion unless they find somebody with at least greater. Only true seeing or similar magic reveals the true nature of this weapon. Once per day as a standard action, the wielder of a pair of constrictor’s gauntlets can target a single creature wearing medium or heavy armor. ; Aura moderate conjuration. DESCRIPTION. Bird toes are counted from the thumb at the rear (first digit or hallux in raptors), to the inside front toe (second digit) and so on. When it deals a successful critical hit to a construct, it completely destroys the construct (no saving throw). That kinda shoots their proposed build out of the sky; it also means that the statblock doesn't factor in Karzoug actively wielding his Talons of Leng (as they theorize)- that would require his Base Wisdom to be a 6, lower than it can possibly go! I don't know of any other way to get more natural attacks as an straight classed half-orc antipaladin beyond that except for magic items. This site is an SRD (System Reference Document) for the Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Price 60,000 gp; Slot none; CL 19th; Weight varies; Aura strong illusion and necromancy. The Manticore Isles are a group of seven small islands in the eastern Jade Sea, off the southern coast of Essos. DESCRIPTION. The Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules. This site is an SRD (System Reference Document) for the Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Ultimate Equipment. To the northeast is Yunkai and to the south Astapor, both on the mainland. 0a. It closely resembles the Dreamland's version of Leng. DESCRIPTION. The Chinese residents of Limehouse are largely depicted as labourers and slaves. ; Aura faint necromancy. Transcripts expected throughout Wednesday, 22 November, 2023. It bears the dichotomy of often being considered one of the most beloved serials of the classic run while also being copiously criticised for its portrayal of Chinese characters. These can be elaborate and often involve treasure as bait. After escaping from the vicious giant rat in the sewers, the Doctor & Leela team up with Litefoot. DESCRIPTION. After more than 400 pages, they go the "To Be Continued" route, apologizing for the "inconclusive ending. DESCRIPTION. Once worn, the talons of Leng grant the wearer two natural claw attacks, both with a +3 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage. This +2 lance is made out of white spruce wood with a handle carved from mammoth tusk ivory. To be fair, they are working in the pay. Grayson is tall and thin with dark hair. It surface has no blemishes or distinguishing marks, and its haft is wrapped in dry, leathery, ancient skin. ; Price 25,715 gp. It is a dry desert littered with ruins. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. Aura minor necromancy; CL 9th; Slot none; Price 10,320 gp; Weight 2 lbs. The. This +1 greatsword is decorated with a lock motif. Three times per day, this +2 wounding rapier allows the wielder to make a touch attack with the weapon that deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage by draining blood. When Teresa was found on the premises, he tried to have her leave, but she left. Ever since Grandmother Raven locked the shadows away. ECOLOGY. Price 47,315 gp; Slot none; CL 10th; Weight 4 lbs. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. Its shaft is decorated with images of charging mammoths or running wolves. Lang Buddha is a founding member of the Leanbois, Cleanbois, Talon, and superior of the Guild, who adheres to him as the Stormlord. DESCRIPTION. Leng spiders are sly and design traps for their prey. Tsan-Chan is set in the same time period from which Magnus Greel, the deformed villain of the Doctor Who serial "The Talons of Weng-Chiang", originated. [2]Talons book. At an unknown point in time and for unknown reasons, the glacor race invaded the planet from space, initially appearing as icy comets that caused. Three times per day, this +2 wounding rapier allows the wielder to make a touch attack with the weapon that deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage by draining blood. 6 7 This latter aspect he shares with the more powerful ghuls who sometime serve as his high priests. Not because it lacks quality; far from it. Three times per day when the wielder makes a sneak attack against a foe that is adjacent to. Speaking of birds with talons, the harpy eagle is a must-mention. ; Price 35,312 gp. Arriving in London at the end of the 19th Century, the Doctor and Leela make friends with a police pathologist, Professor Litefoot, and learn that hairs taken from the clothing. If poison is applied to this sickly yellow +1 bolt, any hit point damage, ability damage, or ability drain dealt by the poison increases by 1 each round for the poison’s duration. Aura strong evocation; CL 15th; Slot —; Price 25,305 gp; Weight 160 lbs. He is also a certified starship pilot. ; Aura moderate conjuration. Three times per day, the wielder of this +3 halfling sling staff can launch a stone (not a sling bullet) that explodes in mid-flight to create a stone call effect centered on the target square. Furthermore, the wearer can force its teeth to grow rapidly up to five times per day as a swift action. The (uncited) pressing power in pounds per square inch (psi) for a bald eagle has been estimated to be from 700 psi up to. This curve-tined +1 monstrous humanoid bane trident is etched with a pattern of alternating scales and shells. History. ( EXP Pathfinder roleplaying game) The plateau of Leng is a projection into a higher mathematical space, which makes up the universe as observable by humans. Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Weight 6 lbs. ; Aura moderate conjuration. ; Aura moderate conjuration. Toggle Theme. Price 67,000 gp; Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th; Weight 1 lb. Second Edition Rulebooks; Official Digital Toolset; Online System Reference; Downloads; First. And finally, his talons of Leng reduce his Wisdom by 2, which then puts his stats as they appear in the book. Recommended to the B-grade action. This +2 shortbow is etched with equine imagery. The Talons of the Emperor are a powerful elite force, combining the raw combat power of the Adeptus Custodes with the more subtle, but no less deadly, talents of the Sisters of Silence. ; Aura moderate abjuration. Price 10,302 gp; Slot none; CL 5th; Weight 4 lbs. Corsairs have fortified Talon's honeycombed caverns. Marahai is a crescent-shaped island in the central Jade Sea, off the southern coast of Essos. ; Price 51,850 gp. I’ve been working on it all day. EFFECTS. Huh. The Blade of this +2 holy bastard sword always appears lustrous and polished, with a hilt wrapped in alternating colors of deep black and royal purple. I am a fan of Wesley Snipes the actor and was very interested in reading his first book. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. When making the Anniversary Edition with PFRPG rules, it's possible the new rules for natural weapons should have been factored in, but the descriptive text was copy-pasted. Cost 5,330 gp; Feats Craft. On a critical hit, the talons deal ×3 damage and force the victim to make a DC 20 Will save. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. Aegon, Rhaenys, and Visenya. She has given birth to one offspring, a male by the name of Talyn. Command Word: If the activation is on command or if no activation method is suggested either in the magic item description or by the nature of the item, assume that a command word is needed to activate it. The origin of the expression ‘leng’ comes from London slang in the late 1990s. The Talons of Weng-Chiang was the sixth and final serial of season 14 of Doctor Who. Sunset Sea. Price 2,500 gp; Slot none; CL 15th; Weight —; Aura strong transmutation. Aura faint illusion; CL 5th; Weight 1/20 lb. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. ; Aura moderate conjuration. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. Overall, I highly recommend Talon's restaurant for anyone looking for a great dining experience in a beautiful setting. AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural) hp 52 (8d10+8) Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +6 Immune mind-affecting effects. On a critical hit, the talons deal ×3 damage and force the victim to make a DC 20 Will save. Be the first one to write a. These heavy leather gloves ripple and flows at the wearer’s command, reshaping to fit any hand, claw, tentacle, or alien limb. Lesser Moraq. Name Cost; Assisting Gloves: 180 gp: Gloves of Personal Purity: 1,000 gp: Whispering Gloves (LotFW)Aura moderate abjuration; Slot none; Price 10,310 gp; Weight 10 lbs. Talonstrike Sword. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. Aura moderate evocation; CL 10th; Weight 1 lb. Aura moderate divination; CL 7th; Weight 4 lbs. Steep-sided valleys and black bogs hide amongst the rugged flint hills and twisted, windswept rocks of this southern. 2004-10-04: You can’t use the Library of Leng ability to place a discarded card on top of your library when you discard a card as a cost, because costs aren’t effects. This material is published under the OGL 1. At such times it cannot be concealed when drawn, nor can its light be shut off. On a critical hit, the talons inflict ×3 damage, and force the victim to make a DC 20. Bloodletting Kukri. Ax Isle is the easternmost island of the Basilisk Isles, which are off the northern coast of Sothoryos. 2004-10-04: You can look at a randomly discarded card before deciding where it goes. DESCRIPTION. Three times per day, when the. Golden Eagles weigh roughly 5000 g, have a 200-cm. My character is a tengu with 2 claws. 33 inches. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. This finely crafted +2 nine-ring broadsword has an extra gap at the base of the blade’s unsharpened edge, closest to the hilt, seemingly to fit an extra ring. History. Write Review. "Now and Then", a short feature where locations shown in "The Talons of Weng-Chiang" are compared to how those locations look now. Aura moderate abjuration; Slot none; Price 10,310 gp; Weight 10 lbs. Longsword, Cold Iron Masterwork – d20PFSRD Fight Owen’s Cancer Megabundle! Veteran ttRPG blogger, developer, publisher, and writer Owen K. Also, read here further details in relating to above npm command. [2] It is at the mouth of Lorath Bay and, except Braavos, is the northernmost of the Free Cities. Talons are so sharp that they can cause serious injury to the bird itself. Aura moderate necromancy; CL 6th; Slot none; Price 4,310 gp; Weight 1 lb. Priority: Thessia. DESCRIPTION. DESCRIPTION. This +1/+1 darkwood quarterstaff grants superior balance and acrobatic skill. Aura strong evocation and necromancy CL 15th Weight 6 lbs. For example, birds claws can show clear adaptations to. References. Once worn, the talons of Leng grant the wearer two natural claw attacks, both with a +3 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage. This barbed +1 outsider (water) bane bolt is etched with runes of thirst and desiccation. The nails of a bird of prey are structurally the same as a chicken’s nails. Sword of the Planes. A mace of smiting is a +3 adamantine heavy mace has a +5 enhancement bonus against constructs. Equipment: boots of the mire, elixir of the peaks, fog-cutting lenses, medusa mask, robe of runes, sadist's lash, snakeskin tunic, staff of heaven and earth, staff of mithral might, talons of Leng are legal for play; Spells: Blood money, covetous aura, deathwine, raiment of command, sign of wrath, swipe, and unconscious agenda are legal for. 5 rules, took those rules for natural weapons into consideration. This +1 hand crossbow seems to hide itself and leaps from hiding when needed. These mithral +2 defending bastard swords are favored blades of the Eagle Knights. In this example, the girl is using the word “leng” to express frustration or annoyance about the amount of homework they have. Removing the arrow requires a successful DC 10 Heal check and prevents any further damage from the arrow (the DC. He reported this to Jago and the two went looking for the cause, but found nothing. These effects last for 1d4 rounds. DESCRIPTION. The blade of this brutal-looking falchion is serrated, forming the fangs of the stylized etching of a jackal’s profile on the shimmering metal. Halflings often use these slings to hunt hard-to-hit game. talon in American English. Get this book AND support this site!Frostbite Sling. DESCRIPTION. Harpy eagles are among the largest birds of prey. The wielder must have a Strength of at least 18 to wield it properly. Whenever the wielder confirms a critical hit, she can release the stored energy in the blade as a free action. ; Aura faint transmutation. DESCRIPTION. On a critical hit, the talons deal ×3 damage and force the victim to make a DC 20 Will save. Disarming Blade. This +1 dagger is forged for assassins alone. Aura strong evocation and necromancy CL 15th Weight 6 lbs. Sword of Subtlety. ; Aura strong conjuration and transmutation. [1] It is the seat of House Longthorpe in the Vale of Arryn. Leng spiders are intelligent, carnivorous spiders. Jeanine A. Chang, Mr Sin and Weng-Chiang go in search of the time cabinet, while the Doctor and Jago go in search of Chiang's lair. Once donned, the talons of Leng grant the wearer a natural claw attack with each hand that deal 1d4 points of damage for a Medium wearer, or 1d3 points of damage for a Small wearer. Whenever the bow is fired from a mount, the wielder’s mount gains a +2 deflection bonus to its AC until the start of the wielder’s next turn. Aura strong evocation; CL 17th; Weight 2 lbs. Leng is an island of forests and jungles, rich in spices and gemstones. A triton’s trident can unleash a hydraulic push three times per day, once from each tine; alternatively, their power can be combined to release a single hydraulic. On a critical. Priority: Thessia. The Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules. Whenever its wielder uses it to successfully strike an opponent who carries a shield, the opponent’s shield takes the same damage as the opponent. Organization solitary, pair, or flight (7–12) Treasure none. Introduction. Price 70,338 gp; Slot weapon; CL 12th; Weight 3 lbs. Finely laid gold filigree lines these ornately worked talons. Thorn Bow. Name Cost; Assisting Gloves: 180 gp: Gloves of Personal Purity: 1,000 gp: Whispering Gloves (LotFW) War Lance. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to the Constitution damage dealt by this weapon. DESCRIPTION. Solve your "talons" crossword puzzle fast & easy with the-crossword-solver. , one target. Anytime the wielder of this +2 flaming khopesh is healed by channeled positive energy, a risen blade gains a charge. Price 15,302 gp; Slot none; CL 9th; Weight 6 lbs. Both a part of that dimension and a corruption of it, Leng is a realm inhabited by eldritch horrors and ruled by the horrors' ancient gods. Aura moderate evocation; CL 10th; Weight 10 lbs. The definition of the word raptor comes from the Latin word, rapere, which means to. EDIT: Out campaign is limited to Paizo materials. I beat ME2 and kept everyone alive (and gained their loyalty). Elixir of the Peaks, Robes of Xin-Shalast, Talons of Leng Monsters [7]Crag Spider, Denizen of Leng, Harridan, Hungerer, Kuchrima, Rune Giant, Wendigo. 2cm) Weight: 9. Ghoul’s Lament. On a successful hit with the sword against a creature that is the wielder’s size or smaller, the wielder can attempt to start a grapple as a free action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. [3] According to Lomas Longstrider, the verdant isle of Leng is home to "ten thousand tigers and ten million monkeys ". This curve-tined +1 monstrous humanoid bane trident is etched with a pattern of alternating scales and shells. The seat of House Elesham, the Paps is considered part of the Vale of Arryn and is sworn to the Eyrie. Talon is a Holy Spirit Warrior who battles against evil in the name of God. Price 4,400 gp; Slot none; CL 5th; Weight 2 lbs. DESCRIPTION. Some of Nymeria's ten thousand ships were attacked by.